NCS Physical Therapy – Treatment in Germany
The Neuro Cell Stimulation Therapy or NCS Physical Therapy was developed by the rehabilitation specialists Dr. Klaus and Sabine Berndsen. They considered actual brain research information and complex neuromotor behaviors. At the Forefront Are the Following Foci Interactive “neuro cell stimulation” and “neuro cell specialization” Functional excitation of cerebral nerves with complementary activation of higher cortical functions such as language, subtile coordination, etc. Development of complex neuromotor behaviors – neuro (guided) functional movement – with complementary selective stimulation of brain nerves Therapy improvement by reduction Continual adapting to multidisciplinary research High quality therapy individualization Further Goals of NCS Physical Therapy Functional stimulation of cellular operations – also after stem cell therapy Activation of generative functions of the brain stem Far reaching interactive effects on the central and peripheral nerve systems Irritation of the motor neurons to activate contraction behaviors in the skeletal muscles Facilitate interactive muscle group functions Development of complex behaviors of movement under special consideration of “Interdependent Process Inherent Pattern” (IPIP, Dr. Berndsen) Guided functional movement with high frequency repetitions – assisted through patented therapy aids With NCS Physical Therapy, functions lost to disease, accident or were missing at birth can be activated or developed. Neurophysiological imbalance and disorganization of orofacial (eating, drinking, breathing, speech) and total motor functions (functional body movement) are coordinated Applied are the following special, Berndsen/Berndsen patented, assistive medical technologies: Face Former Therapy (FFT) Guided Pedal System (GPS), Guided Alternating Trainer (GAT): Guided Movement – Guided Functional Movement – guided manual or equipment-assisted movement Oral Stimulation Plates (OSP)NCS Therapy is a method, which is under continual development. It is individually matched to every patient. Besides the described goals and therapy equipment, the following methods are also part of the NCS Physical Therapy. Multiple channel electrostimulation Light therapy Alternating vibrations (Galileo Training) Deep musculature training Ultrasound therapy Antinomic (contradictory) visualization Video-guided balance and motion training Self perception training (i.e. Snooze (nap) room) Sound therapy Olfactory therapy Ergotherapy Individually adapted, everyday ergonomic motor functions Development of an individual in-home training program Matching assistive medical technologies Analytical feedback of muscle and movement development Analytical feedback of body tension Cognition, retention and concentrations training (also as computer training) Speech, language and vocal therapies (also as computer training) Eating, drinking and swallowing therapies Myofunctional therapy Breathing therapy Hearing training, Akupaedia