Stem cell therapy
Now doctors began to implement new stem cell therapy for treatment of osteoarthritis and damaged tendons and muscles.
Article about us in yesterday’s biggest Bulgarian newspapers “Trud ” and “24 chasa ”
After the training in Vienna, Austria, Bulgarian doctors began to implement a new stem cell therapy for
the treatment of osteoarthritis and damaged tendons and muscles. Bulgaria is among the first countries
in Europe, who does the modern intervention. Only days ago in MMA finished the training for
professionals organized by the American company “Global OrthoBiologics” and “CITO Company”. Here is
more information about this therapy :
Dr. Stefanov, in the Military Medical Academy (MMA) has applied stem cell therapy for the recovery of
patients with osteoarthritis. What is this treatment?
– In MMA was conducted a course for specialists from Bulgaria and abroad, who are interested in the
application of such treatments using products of “Biologic Therapies “. The idea of the therapy is to take
stem cells from the patients themselves. In principle this can be done and from the blood of the patient,
but in this case the stem cells are derived from the bone marrow, where the concentration is greater –
and in particular of the lower leg (from tibia) or the iliac crest bone of the pelvis. It takes approximately
60 ml of bone marrow, which are processed in a special apparatus for 20-30 minutes to extract the
concentrate from the stem cell therapy. In the last stage, this concentrate is to be injected back into and around
the diseased part of the patient. The actual injection is made under local anesthesia and is not painful.
What patients were given treatment?
– We made the manipulation of two patients. One of them had osteoarthritis of the knee and a torn
meniscus. Immediately prior to insertion of the stem cells the patient was subjected to a classical surgery
– arthroscopic removing meniscal to restore knee. The second patient was also with arthritis, but it did
not need surgery.
Since when do you apply this therapy in such matters?
– Such therapy has benefited initially in maxillofacial surgery as well as problems that must be solved by
plastic surgery. In the last 10 years began to be used increasingly to treat diseases of the
musculoskeletal system. Most often it is used for the treatment of degenerative diseases – wear of the
joints and chronic injuries of tendons and muscles in athletes, football players and skiers, but also helps
in faster recovery in acute trauma.
And what are its advantages?
Minimum interference. This is more ambulatory treatment, and the patient doesn’t need to be
hospitalized in a hospital – returns home after two hours.
Are there risks?
The risks are such as others that may occur by any medical treatment. For example – an infection that is
excluded by the observance of the procedure for taking, processing and reverse injection of the
concentrate. Practically it is excluded to reach an allergic reaction.
Is it necessary to follow a diet or other restrictions for patients?
There is much speculation about the role of nutrition in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Rather,
it is irrelevant to the treatment with stem cells. It is important, however, for several days the patient to
refrain from serious stress and sport.