Heart disease – Treatment in Germany

Heart disease – Treatment in Germany

Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain due to coronary heart disease. This is a condition in which the heart muscle doesnt receive enough blood, resulting in pain in the chest.   Angina is a symptom of a condition called myocardial ischemia . It...

Sport Accident Treatment In Germany

Sport Accident Treatment In Germany SIMPLE FRACTURE: In which two fragments are created, one proximal and one distal.   COMMINUTED FRACTURE: When there are more than two fragments.   COMPOUND FRACTURE: In which there is a break of skin by the fractured bony...

Joint Pain Treatment In Germany

Joint Pain Treatment In Germany The lower extremities carry the bodyweight and must provide for locomotion, the joints of this partof the body are big, tend to be strong and stable and are served by strong muscles. Joint Pain Treatment In Germany offers high level...